Sent by Mike on 01/09/2015

RIP My Friend Olly, A True Gentleman! Mike in Brisbane I cannot keep you from stumbling on the rough road of life for without error how can you learn wisdom and humility I can but offer the hand of friendship to prevent you from descending into despair and thence to rekindle your innermost spirit I don’t have the ability to change your past nor any misery and distress you’ve suffered, nor can I change your future which lies as yet unwritten in the book of life But I will be here to advise you should you seek my counsel. I don’t claim to be able to overcome all life’s ordeals, trials and tribulations But I will always be here to allay your fears, and together we can forge a path through life’s abundant tapestry of challenges Your successes, delights and times of joy are not mine to enjoy But I listen with my heart when you share your innermost feelings I make no judgements over the decisions you’ve made in life My purpose here on earth is to inspire you, encourage you and to comfort you when you are troubled and seeking solace Never let past failures and mistakes define your being or diminish your potential But instead allow the taste of experience to build your character For without the absence of the sun during a storm how can you possibly appreciate the warmth of its light when it returns Friends are but one soul dwelling in two bodies and true Friendship is a living breathing thing that can last only as long as it is nourished with compassion, gentleness and generosity of spirit It cannot be seen with your eyes but only felt with your heart and when nurtured it can be the spiritual inspiration that whispers to your very soul. I cannot live your life for you nor prevent you from taking a wrong turn I can but gently counsel you, steer you back onto the right path and allow Gods radiant light to illuminate your way I cannot save you from the pain of grief nor the sorrow of bereavement, But I will stand by you and support and encourage you so that together we can rebuild the jigsaw of your life Be gentle with your soul and never be scared to seek comfort in solitude for in that blessed silence and peace you can dare to dream and design a life of substance I can't tell you who you are or who you are meant to be in this world but I believe in you so show courage in the face of adversity, embrace life in all its beauty and I will always be there by your side when you need me most Your Friend